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Half-assed or realistic?

I spend a TON of time in self reflection.

It is one of my favorite things actually and yesterday while reflecting, as I swam in my basic pool, just a few steps from my rented condo, not on vacation or some all inclusive resort, just my regular life, I thought about how I've never been willing to make ALL of the sacrifices my mentors told me I would "have" to be committed to make to live my "dream life". And my compromises have gotten me to EXACTLY how I want to FEEL!

You might not believe me but you don't have to give up all that you know and love to achieve your REAL goals!

As I have grown and evolved, I unintentionally created a methodology that has been perfect for me and for others like me...

The highly sensitives, indulgent, living life to enjoy it, doing what we want when we want, not willing to give up the snacks, the drinks, the people in our life.

We can have what we desire without giving up everything we have known and leaned on in the past.

It feels pretty amazing to create something so magical ♡
